Monday, February 18, 2019

Chinese Character of the Week: 戏

戏 in Chinese means TV series, stage play or even films. 2018 is definitely a significant year for Chinese 戏, or 戏 for Chinese. In China, many high-quality TV series and films. In US, films that featured Asian actors like Crazy Rich Asian or Searching received many positive comments.

Though in other countries, Crazy Rich Asian received many positive comments, it met its Waterloo in China due to several reasons. One of the reasons is Chinese people dislike the costumes and the color of the film. The color, costume and stage set are considered to be outdated and even deface Chinese culture. The plots are considered to be Cliche by many audiences in China. The rate of this film on Douban, the biggest online film review platform in China, is only 6.2 out of 10. If you want to read negative comments, you can find them on this website:

So what kind of stage sets, color scheme or costume do Chinese people like recently? You might be able to find the answer through watching some Chinese TV series or some Chinese films. Comment below if you have some shows, films or TV series to recommend for us.
You can also share what you are watching recently in the comment section.


  1. 雖然我不是正統的宮廷劇迷,但我發現大多劇情都抹黑真實故事的源頭。最近,我看了一部由侯孝賢所導演的《刺客聶隱娘》這部武俠電影,述説安史之亂的唐朝,許多軍人都建立了藩鎮保衛唐朝遭到外敵入侵。身爲男主角的藩主田季安和聶隱娘,他們是如何從一位道姑的手中去奪回彼此的真情。此部電影雖臺詞少、韻律緩,但值得去回味中國史的不虞。

  2. Crazy Rich Asians represents exactly what is wrong with Western attitudes towards China and the Chinese diaspora.

    Sure, it may have been tremendously successful at the box office worldwide, but just look at the numbers in our great nation: abysmal. The fact of the matter is that CRA is a distorted view of Asian philosophies; it talks about an ethnic Chinese family in Singapore, something that has little relevance to the lives of most people in East Asia.

    However, the success of CRA also signifies that our country's domestic production of films and television shows is inadequate. The recent adaptation of Liu Cixin's The Wandering Earth has been promising, but we have a long way to go if we wish to properly project our soft power.

    The Ministry of Social Security and Human Resources believes that in order to do so, we must stick to our "Made in China 2025" promises and continue our self-strengthening efforts.


    Crazy Rich Asians 代表所有西方国家对中国和华人的无知态度和想法。





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